Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Keep your eyes on the prize..

Keep your eyes on the prize...

Tonight I was blessed to get together with a group of individuals I am coaching on their journey to lose weight! I shared some thoughts which I thought might also be worth sharing on here. One of the things that God has consistently told me through my journey is, "to keep my eyes on the prize." The fact that God has had to remind me so often over the past year and couple months is because it's extremely easy to lose focus! Anything worth doing requires discipline, commitment and fortitude! Losing weight is not easy; or there wouldn't be a world filled with obese people! You are one of the few that have made the decision to be different, unique, and committed!

There is a verse in the Bible that I've used for encouragement:

1 Corinthians 9:24 “ Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize!”

It's so easy to start "running..." MANY people start diets every day. Weight Watcher's store fronts can be seen filled with people beginning to "run," but FEW people actually get the prize. Few people will make it through the tough seasons when the scale doesn't move or actually goes in the wrong direction, family isn't being supportive of their decision, or the temptation to give-in is just too great! FEW people really change their life!

Keeping your eye on the prize is something that you will continually have to remind yourself!!! Too many times stuff comes your way and if you are not careful it will totally derail you...remember:

1) Don’t allow the immediate pleasure to take your eyes off the prize…That meal that you don't have the calories for is not worth it!!!

2) Don’t allow the guilt of messing up take your eyes off the prize…That day where you just gave in cannot be your catalyst for failure!!!

3) Don’t allow other people to take your eyes off the prize…Don't let someone guilt you into eating that food, or their lack of support be the thing that causes you to give up!!!

4) Don’t allow a number on a scale to take your eyes off the prize…If you are doing things right, it WILL move, and a number on a scale is not everything!!! You are one week healthier than the last, even if it doesn't show up that week!!!

I know it's hard, but you are SO worth it!!!!! You CAN do this, and with God's strength, you will not only finish the race, but you will GET THE PRIZE!!

#103lbs down!!!! 278lb - 175lb


  1. WOW 103 pounds! great job Steve! im sure its become second nature living healthier after losing all that weight. Im down 12 pounds in a little over two weeks. look at this link on youtube it really made me want to eat healthier and helped me with an my unhealthy love of SUGAR.

  2. I am SUPER motivated by your success!! I love the quote on the pic...I need to post that above the scale!!! Didnt know there was a weight loss group, let me know when you guys meet..I need all the help I can get!!!!

  3. OMG...i opened the Suffolk News Herald (yes we get the paper way out here!) and i saw your precious little face...or what's left of it!! STEVE YOU LOOK GREAT!! i m so proud of you...we have a girl here at work who has done the same thing, just counting calories, and she has also lost over 100 lbs.....so it can be done! God bless you for what you are doing & inspiring others...
