The Weight Loss Pastor
Friday, August 3, 2012
you're more than a number...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
fascination vs reality
I don't know if you are like me and have jumped on the band wagon with all of the weight loss shows on TV today. It started years ago with, "The Biggest Loser" and right now my new show is, "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition." It comes on Sunday nights...they document the one year transformation of an individual working with trainer, Chris Powell. The transformation is broken down into 4 quarters (3 months each) with the last quarter being a healing process, because of the need of skin removal surgery. In the end, the results are incredible!!! It's sorta, Biggest Loser, on steroids! It gives us the quick fix of getting to what everyone is looking for...seeing the transformation!
Although this can be incredibly motivating, it can also be very misleading!! It gives the impression that "big number losses = success," and even more detrimental at times that, "speed = success" for getting rid of a problem that has taken years and years to get you to the unhealthy spot people are at.
A couple of thoughts:
1) To maintain the, "big number losses," you'd have to be on a TV show or doing something that's somewhat unhealthy. Unless you are reading this and you're at a weight of over 400 pounds, I never suggest more than a 1000 calorie deficit per day which will give you a loss of 2lbs per week and for ladies looking to lose 30lbs or less should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit per day or a loss of 1lb per week. Remember, YOU are not on a reality show, giving 100 percent of your life to lose weight. There is not a $250k giveaway or prizes at the end of this "game" or "contest!" You are changing your lifestyle and learning to enjoy life in a new way, without having it centered around food. This is a process and a mindset that changes overtime. I am now down at total of 107lbs and it has taken me 1 year and 4 months to get there. Only one week in this entire journey did I loose 3lbs at once. The rest of the time it was 0-2lbs a week. Big numbers are great for TV, but not reality and shouldn't be the determining factor for feeling victory or success in your journey.
2) Speed is not success... True success is determined by keeping your healthy life style forever, enjoying the journey, and doing it the healthy way....not by getting there quick and doing things at all cost to get there! Remember for many of us it has taken years of slow and consistent weight GAIN...slowly, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year.
Speed will get you a quick-fix mentality, a jacked up metabolism, a greater chance of regaining your weight, and excess, saggy skin. However, speed will never teach you portion control, moderation, that healthy living is not an "all or nothing" deal, nor the discipline needed to never gain a single pound back again! It will not get you the long term results you need to stay successful long after you reach some sort of "goal weight!!"
Here is what you SHOULD pull from shows like this....Motivation, inspiration, and the knowledge that no matter how fast or slow, life-change IS possible!!!
Believing in you!!
By the way...if you haven't checked it out yet, here's an article done on my weight loss a few weeks back:
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Keep your eyes on the prize..
Keep your eyes on the prize...
Tonight I was blessed to get together with a group of individuals I am coaching on their journey to lose weight! I shared some thoughts which I thought might also be worth sharing on here. One of the things that God has consistently told me through my journey is, "to keep my eyes on the prize." The fact that God has had to remind me so often over the past year and couple months is because it's extremely easy to lose focus! Anything worth doing requires discipline, commitment and fortitude! Losing weight is not easy; or there wouldn't be a world filled with obese people! You are one of the few that have made the decision to be different, unique, and committed!
There is a verse in the Bible that I've used for encouragement:
1 Corinthians 9:24 “ Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize!”
Keeping your eye on the prize is something that you will continually have to remind yourself!!! Too many times stuff comes your way and if you are not careful it will totally derail you...remember:
1) Don’t allow the immediate pleasure to take your eyes off the prize…That meal that you don't have the calories for is not worth it!!!
2) Don’t allow the guilt of messing up take your eyes off the prize…That day where you just gave in cannot be your catalyst for failure!!!
3) Don’t allow other people to take your eyes off the prize…Don't let someone guilt you into eating that food, or their lack of support be the thing that causes you to give up!!!
4) Don’t allow a number on a scale to take your eyes off the prize…If you are doing things right, it WILL move, and a number on a scale is not everything!!! You are one week healthier than the last, even if it doesn't show up that week!!!
I know it's hard, but you are SO worth it!!!!! You CAN do this, and with God's strength, you will not only finish the race, but you will GET THE PRIZE!!
#103lbs down!!!! 278lb - 175lb
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
a few things...
Monday, February 27, 2012
tools of the trade...
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Power of Consistency

I'm not on a diet...
Monday, January 9, 2012
something's got to give...
In January 2011 I felt hopeless...
- There is VERY simple math connected to weight loss ("Calories in vs. Calories out" is totally legit)
- Diets work, but you can't live forever doing a diet
- If you monitor your calories correctly you can eat WHATEVER you want in moderation. (There are no bad foods just bad amounts)
- The time of the day in which you eat doesn't do anything to stop you from losing weight. You CAN eat before you go to bed if you want!
- You never need to plateau in your weight loss!
- Exercise alone doesn't make you lose weight, HOWEVER exercise and an active lifestyle can help you feel great and EAT A TON MORE!
- In order to lose one pound of body fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in over a period of time! This is a fact! It can be over a period of days, weeks or months, but eventually this is what needs to happen. So, in order to lose one true pound of body fat in a week you need to burn 500 more calories in a day...2 pounds? 1,000 per day or 7,000 in a week. There is no getting around this... If you are on a diet like Weight Watchers, they are using this math to cause you to lose...Slim Fast? Same math!
- Everyone of us has something called a BMR (not to be mistaken with BMI). This is your Basal Metabolic Rate. It is what your body burns determined by your height and weight to perform what's necessary: the functioning of each of your organs, digestion, etc. This is what you are burning while sleeping, sitting down at work, watching TV, etc. You can figure yours out here. This makes up 80%-90% of your daily calorie burn, depending on activity level during the day and not factoring in exercise.